We all live our lives surrounded by places that are special to us, where we can relax, our favorite place to eat and where family and friends live and we could all look at a map and give these places a rough location. It almost sounds like something post-apocalyptic, but what is you woke up one day and all these places that you lived your life around had disappeared, your daily compass of life would be broken.

Lots of people have heard that every minute an area of the Amazon rain forest the size of several football fields is cut down but we just accept that the 'lungs of the world' are being cut down for economic gain. A few of us may also spare a thought for all the animal and plant species that are endangered by the destruction of the forest but what about the people who live there?

The first picture on the right is the reason I'm writing about this subject, It shows three figures cowering in the corner of the deck of a ship, alien to their surroundings and obviously terrified, on the right a European sailor looks tense, almost as if hes about to hit them, put them in their place.

These innocent people were kidnapped in the late 19th century by a German businessman and sent far from their homes to die in Europe, in a Zoo.